Menus are vertical list of links or buttons for actions and navigation.
Add a container element with the menu
And add child elements with the menu-item
You can separate menu items with a divider
Spectre.css does not include JavaScript code, you will need to implement your JS to interact with the menus.
Menus also have Form controls (checkbox, radio and checkbox) support.
<ul class="menu">
<!-- menu header text -->
<li class="divider" data-content="LINKS">
<!-- menu item standard -->
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#">
<i class="icon icon-link"></i> Slack
<!-- menu item with form control -->
<li class="menu-item">
<label class="form-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<i class="form-icon"></i> form-checkbox
<!-- menu divider -->
<li class="divider"></li>
<!-- menu item with badge -->
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#">
<i class="icon icon-link"></i> Settings
<div class="menu-badge">
<label class="label label-primary">2</label>
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#">My profile</a>
<div class="menu-badge">
<label class="form-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<i class="form-icon"></i> Public
Dropdown menu#
The dropdown is a combination of buttons and menus.
Dropdown menus component is built entirely in CSS. It is triggered by :focus
Add a container element with the dropdown
And add a focusable element with the dropdown-toggle
class for the button and a menu
component right next to it.
You also need to add tabindex
to make the buttons focusable.
If the dropdown is close to the right edge of the browser, you can add the dropdown-right
class to the container to prevent it appearing off screen.
Also, you can implement your JS to interact with the dropdown menus by adding the active
class to the dropdown
<!-- basic dropdown button -->
<div class="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle" tabindex="0">
dropdown menu <i class="icon icon-caret"></i>
<!-- menu component -->
<ul class="menu">
<!-- dropdown button group -->
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="btn-group">
<a href="#" class="btn">
dropdown button
<a href="#" class="btn dropdown-toggle" tabindex="0">
<i class="icon icon-caret"></i>
<!-- menu component -->
<ul class="menu">
Designed and built with ♥ by Yan Zhu. Forked and modified by Aaron Ahn for Cortico. Licensed under the MIT License.