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Branding Projects


To help team members understand the project branding process at Countable.


Covers process and guidelines for branding projects.

Branding Process

  1. Brand development questionnaire
  2. Discovery meeting (review other work, discuss answers to questionnaire). The person delivering the work must attend this meeting, in-person or web conference.
  3. Develop creative brief (internal). See the example Creative Brief below.
  4. Propose sketches and color paletttes. Cherry pick key points from the creative brief to present.

Branding Guidelines

How can we get more buy-in, commitment, alignment and clarity earlier.

  • Validate the direction by reviewing other work together.
  • Inspiration board.

Demonstrating reasearch, expertise and intention in designs.

  • Provide about 3, no more than 5. “I’ve narrowed dozens of sketches down to the best 3. This is why I recommend these directions to your audience…”
  • Explain how the proposed designs capture their desired brand requirements, and appeal to the audience.