Applicant Guide
Help people judge if they are a good fit, and apply to join our team.
Indicate who we are, what it’s like to work here, and what we’ve learned about who we expect to be a good fit.
This is a guide for people applying to Countable. We’ll expand it in the future (with your feedback I hope). For now, we suggest:
- Read about who we think is a good Hiring Fit
- Check out (and to see a bit about our work.
Email us with the following:
- Links to your work online (anything you’ve created).
- We want to hear your story, and what’s different about you.
- Why are you applying to Countable?
- We love feedback! Tell us how we can make your experience applying to Countable better!
- To avoid bots and automated submissions, and to see if you read this sentence, please make your email with the above exactly 100 words (it will be hard to fit).