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To make any location-specific information about our Vancouver and Philippines teams easily accessible.


Currently a draft/stub article.

TODO {: .label .label-yellow } Add more content here


Reach out to Clark with any questions about Vancouver team norms or accessing the Vancouver office.


Reach out to Justin with any questions about Philippines team norms.

COVID-19 Safety Plan

For all staff and subcontractors:

  • As a remote-first company, it’s much easier for us to manage COVID-19 safety by default.
  • Do not attend the office if you have any symptoms.
  • If you do attend the office, avoid touching your face, approaching within 6 feet of a colleague, and wash your hands regularly.
  • If you suspect you may be infected, refer to the Cortico COVID-19 screening form for a list of symptoms and book an appointment if you have concerns at KMC’s walk-in