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Especially when dealing with a remote team, customers tend to be more anxious about project progress and features implementation.

To overcome this situation and to keep our customers aware of our current development status we can use Screencastify to share progress.


Lays out the quickest and easiest way to capture new process for clients.

Tools - Screencastify

We use this chrome extension to record short screencasts with a brief summary of the latest changes. After this, generate a shareable link and send to them through e-mail, on a weekly basis.

  • Don’t spend more than 10 minutes to do it, since it’s just a short and simple video.
  • Be professional in your tone and language.
  • This methodology is particularly useful for front-end changes, since they’re visible.
  • In case you’re dealing with back-end related work, you can still do the screencast, but your approach should be different: You’ll have to explain and summarize what you’re working on, and show some important parts of the code that you developed.